أدوات ومستلزمات الطبخ

  • Egg cartons 2, empty
  • Scissors 1
  • Red feathers A handful
  • Paintbrush 1
  • Craft glue 1
  • Googly eyes A handful
  • Red and yellow construction paper A few sheets

نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان."

زينة من علبة البيض

Other 20 Mins Prep

  1. Cut out the ‘chicken’ shape by maintaining one of the peaks of the carton and cutting around one egg holder (this will hold the eggs and form the body).
  2. Glue red feathers onto the backside of the egg carton to form the chicken’s tail feathers. Trim the feathers to the desired length.
  3. Using a paintbrush and craft glue, attach googly eyes near the top of the egg carton peak.
  4. Cut two small triangles from the yellow construction paper to create the beak and glue it just below the eyes. Cut two circles from the red construction paper to form the wattles. Cut 3 triangles from red construction paper and place them along the back of the chicken head to form the comb of the chicken.
  5. Once all the components are securely attached and the glue has dried, your egg carton chicken is ready to strut its stuff.