
  • Orange 3
  • SpinneysFOOD Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 tbsp
  • Manzanilla olives 100g
  • Red grape vinegar 1-2 tbsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Sea Salt ½ tsp
  • Fresh sardines 16
  • Celery sticks 2
  • Fennel fronds 1 tsp
  • Pickled white anchovies 15

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • سعرات حرارية 373
  • دهون 32g
  • المشبعة 6g
  • بروتين 10g
  • الكربوهيدرات 12g
  • السكريات 9g

نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان."

السردين المشوي مع سلطة البرتقال والشمر والأنشوجة

Mediterranean 15 Mins Prep · 15 Mins Cook

  1. To make the vinaigrette, zest and juice one orange. Combine the orange zest and juice, 4 tbsp of oil, olives, red grape vinegar and salt, and set aside to marinate for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Brush the scaled and gutted sardines with the remaining olive oil and grill over coals or in a griddle pan for 3-4 minutes per side until charred.
  3. Meanwhile, finely chop the celery sticks at an angle (reserving the leaves) and peel and segment the remaining two oranges.
  4. Arrange the orange segments, chopped celery, celery leaves, fennel fronds and anchovies on one side of a serving platter. Top with the olives and vinaigrette and place the sardines on the other half of the platter.
  5. Serve immediately.