
  • SpinneysFOOD Salted Butter 100g, softened
  • White miso 2 tbsp
  • Sriracha sauce 2 tsp
  • Dibba Bay Oysters 12
  • Rock salt 2 tbsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Fresh Parsley A handful

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • سعرات حرارية 438
  • دهون 33.5g
  • المشبعة 18.8g
  • بروتين 20.9g
  • الكربوهيدرات 13.1g
  • السكريات 3.5g

نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان."

محار مع صلصة الزبدة بالميسو

Seafood 20 Mins Prep · 5 Mins Cook

  1. Light a barbecue. Make sure the coals are to one side of the barbecue to create a cool zone for cooking the food indirectly.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the softened butter with the miso and Sriracha.
  3. Shuck the oysters carefully, leaving the oyster in the scooped half of the shell, and pour off the juice. There is no need to separate the flesh from the scooped shell.
  4. Spoon a generous amount of the miso butter onto each oyster.
  5. Place the oysters on the barbecue directly over hot coals and cook for 3-5 minutes until the butter is bubbling.
  6. Meanwhile, roughly chop the parsley. Sprinkle the salt onto a serving platter.
  7. Transfer the oysters to the platter, sprinkle over the parsley and serve.