
  • Stryyk Not V*dka 750ml
  • SpinneysFOOD Thyme 3 sprigs
  • SpinneysFOOD Rosemary 2 sprigs
  • Orange 1
  • Lemon 1

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • Calories 291
  • Fat 0.1g
  • Protein 0.5g
  • Carbs 5.1g
  • Sugars 3.2g

Given the cook-at-home nature of Spinneys and natural variations in ingredients, nutritional information is approximated."

Herb-citrus infused non-alcoholic vodka

Other 5 Mins Prep

  1. Decant the non-alcoholic vodka into a bottle of your choice.
  2. Place the herbs in the bottle.
  3. Peel the rind off the orange and lemon and add to the bottle.
  4. Seal and store for at least one week before gifting.