A fresh perspective on Christmas

A fresh perspective on Christmas

Families – 23.11.20

We might not be with our loved ones this year, but we can still have a holly jolly Christmas with some imagination (and technology), explains Helen Farmer


Through the years, we all will be together, if the fates allow,” sang Judy Garland, and it seems that fate is not on our side in 2020, especially for those hoping to travel or be with loved ones over the holidays. So it looks like we’ll have to muddle through somehow. But how?

I’m a real fan of all things festive, and would gladly have the tree up and tunes on from mid-November. I grew up in a family much the same, and as a child we had our own traditions – opening Christmas stockings in bed, croissants for breakfast, the grandparents arriving, presents, my mum and I making mid-morning nibbles of smoked salmon on brown bread, a walk in the bracing (freezing) Northumberland, UK countryside, then home for a feast. Someone would always fall asleep in front of the fire. We’d bicker about what to watch and play some games instead.

I’m a real fan of all things festive, and would gladly have the tree up and tunes on from mid-November.

Now that I’m all grown up, have children of my own, and live thousands of kilometres from my parents, I have my own traditions. This year will be tricky as it looks like family won’t be able to travel here. So here are a few of the things we’re going to be doing…

Breakfast on the beach: We’re so lucky to have such beautiful weather here in December, so on the 25th we’ll be packing a picnic and a few presents, and cycling to the beach for a paddle.

Getting on the laptop: I know it’s not the same, but I’m so thankful that Zoom is around for times like these. Have a chat, open presents together, raise a toast and even play charades over the internet. It’s also totally possible to have a disagreement through a screen for those authentic family moments.

Carol singing and being cold: Being from England there are two things I need to feel festive: cold weather and singing Christmas carols. I’ll go to Ski Dubai for that first freezing fix, and am waiting with bated breath to see where there will be carolling this year. If nothing formal is arranged, you’ll hear me in my car at every opportunity.

Watching a festive movie: Christmas Eve is also our wedding anniversary, so my husband and I will go out for a nice lunch, then spend the afternoon with the kids – pyjamas on, a good festive film (Elf, usually) and all the sugar.

Thinking of others: Throughout 2020, so many families have had a really difficult time and there have been some amazing initiatives to assist those in need. One that I have supported since it started is Stop & Help (stopandhelp.ae), where you are matched with a family who needs anything from basic groceries to gadgets for home schooling. You can exchange photos, and this year will be particularly hard, so please reach out and see how you can help with food, presents and essentials.

Whatever you do, and whoever you’re with, I hope you have happy holidays this year.