Basil, lemon and olive oil margarita mocktail

Basil, lemon and olive oil margarita mocktail

البحر المتوسط
دقيقة10 تحضير

The health-giving properties of olive oil have made it a kind of tonic for some, who drink small quantities daily to help regulate digestion, boost their immune system, or nourish skin and hair. The bigger trend, however, is to add olive oil into mixed drinks like this one for enhanced flavour and texture

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وقت التحضير 10 دقائق
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To make the sugar syrup, combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to a simmer then remove from the heat. Set aside to allow to cool.


Juice the lemons.


In a cocktail shaker, muddle the basil leaves gently with the lemon juice and sugar syrup. Add the olive oil and a handful of ice cubes to the shaker. Shake well until the mixture is well combined and chilled.


Place fresh ice cubes in the glasses. Strain the mocktail mixture into the glasses. Top up with sparkling water to your desired level. Add a couple of basil leaves and a slice of lemon in each glass.


Serve immediately.