Raspberry rose mocktail bombs

Raspberry rose mocktail bombs

دقيقة5 تحضير

These refreshing raspberry rose mocktails make us think bath bombs – but for your drink!

انشأ بواسطة سبينس
وقت التحضير 5 دقائق
عدد الأفراد Makes 6
مطبخ العربي
النظام الغذائي نباتي
إرشادات التحضير وصفة سهلة

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Combine the bicarbonate of soda, rose water and food colour in a bowl. Make sure there are no big lumps. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.


Press the mixture into moulds, then leave to dry for approx. 1-2 hours.


Remove the bombs from the moulds, add to glasses filled with tonic and watch them fizz.