Chocolate marshmallow ghost cupcakes

Chocolate marshmallow ghost cupcakes

دقائق20 تحضير · دقائق30 طهي

Serve these cupcakes as soon as the meringue is piped onto them. You can also prep them a day or two in advance and make the meringue right before serving

انشأ بواسطة سبينس
وقت التحضير 20 دقائق
وقت الطهي 30 دقائق
عدد الأفراد Makes 12
مطبخ الأمريكي
النظام الغذائي نباتي
إرشادات التحضير وصفة سهلة
المعلومات الغذائية (لكل حصة)
سعرات حرارية 261
دهون 14.2g
المشبعة 4.5g
بروتين 5.9g
الكربوهيدرات 29.2g
السكريات 17g
نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان. تعرف على المزيد


طريقة التحضير

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Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4. Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with cupcake wrappers.


To prepare the cupcakes, mix the flour, cocoa powder, yoghurt, sunflower oil, 3 eggs and vanilla extract in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle. Beat until completely smooth.


Using a measuring cup or cookie scoop, fill the wrappers 2⁄3 of the way.


Place the tin in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean. Place on a cooling rack to cool.


To make the marshmallow meringue, separate the egg whites from the yolks of the remaining eggs. Place the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar in a heatproof bowl over simmering water. Make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Stir the mixture for 4-5 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch. Remove the bowl from the heat. Using an electric whisk, beat until stiff peaks form, or pour the mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and beat for approx. 3-4 minutes.


Spoon the meringue into a piping bag with a large, round nozzle and pipe onto the cupcakes.


Place two chocolate chips on the meringue to form the eyes.


Serve immediately.