Nestlé® caramel dulce de leche churro candy canes

Nestlé® caramel dulce de leche churro candy canes

دقائق20 تحضير · دقائق15 طهي

A sweet cinnamon-coated churro with the tasty Nestle dulce de leche caramel milk dipping sauce

انشأ بواسطة سبينس
وقت التحضير 20 دقائق
وقت الطهي 15 دقائق
عدد الأفراد 15-20
مطبخ الأمريكي
النظام الغذائي نباتي
إرشادات التحضير وصفة سهلة
المعلومات الغذائية (لكل حصة)
سعرات حرارية 131
دهون 7.8g
المشبعة 4.7g
بروتين 2.1g
الكربوهيدرات 14.2g
السكريات 10g
نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان. تعرف على المزيد

طريقة التحضير

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In a large bowl, sieve the flour together with the white sugar and set aside.


In a medium-sized pot, heat the water and butter gently over a medium heat. Increase the heat and bring to a rolling boil with the lid on. Remove the pot from the heat and add in the flour, whisking it in to form a smooth dough. Place the pot back over a medium heat to cook for a further minute, Remove from the heat and set aside to cool completely.


Working with 1 egg at a time, crack the eggs into the mixture, whisking well between each addition. Whisk until the mixture is thick but still pipable. Place in a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle.


Cut a large sheet of baking paper into individual squares, roughly the size of what you want your churros to be.


Heat a large pot of oil to 180°C.


Pipe a ‘candy cane’ shape onto the individual baking squares until all the mixture has been used up. Place the candy canes, batter-side down, in the hot oil and fry until golden and cooked through, removing the baking paper as you lift it out from the batter. Drain on paper towels.


Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a flat bowl and toss the churros in, turning to coat completely.


Serve the churros with the Nestlé® Squeezy Caramel Dulce De Leche.