Sumac cherry salad

Sumac cherry salad

البحر المتوسط
دقيقة5 تحضير

Sumac is a versatile spice that has a tangy, citrusy flavour with subtle fruity notes and a hint of tartness. It adds a depth of flavour to dishes without being overly sour

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عدد الأفراد 4
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Halve and pit the cherries.


In a small bowl, whisk the red grape vinegar, water, sugar, 1 teaspoon of sumac and salt together. Add the pitted cherries to the vinegar mixture and marinate in the fridge for 1 hour.


Arrange the cherries on a serving plate.


Slice the goat’s cheese into rounds and place on top of the cherries along with a few fresh basil leaves. Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle over the remaining sumac.


Serve with slices of toasted baguette on the side.