Beetroot and crushed chickpea salad with dukkah dressing and seared salmon

Beetroot and crushed chickpea salad with dukkah dressing and seared salmon

Middle Eastern
دقائق15 تحضير · دقائق15 طهي

For a burst of freshness and added texture, scatter fresh pomegranate seeds over this salad. The sweet-tart flavour of pomegranate pairs beautifully with the earthiness of beets and the nutty flavour of chickpeas

انشأ بواسطة سبينس
وقت التحضير 15 دقائق
وقت الطهي 15 دقائق
عدد الأفراد 2
مطبخ Middle Eastern
النظام الغذائي Other
إرشادات التحضير وصفة متوسطة السهولة
المعلومات الغذائية (لكل حصة)
سعرات حرارية 1172
دهون 65g
المشبعة 8.3g
بروتين 60.9g
الكربوهيدرات 96.3g
السكريات 25.6g
نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان. تعرف على المزيد

طريقة التحضير

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Cook the beetroots until tender (you can boil or roast them), then peel and chop into quarters.


Wash the mixed salad greens and set aside.


Drain the chickpeas and rinse well. Add to a bowl. Using a fork, crush about half the chickpeas. Toss with 2 tbsp dukkah spice.


Season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a skillet over a medium-high heat. Once the skillet is hot, add the salmon fillets and sear for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until cooked to your desired level of doneness.


Meanwhile, prepare the dukkah dressing. In a small bowl, mix together 2tbsp olive oil, honey and 2 tbsp dukkah spice. Squeeze in the lemon juice and whisk until well combined. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary.


In a large mixing bowl, combine the diced beetroots, crushed chickpeas and mixed salad greens. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss gently to coat.


Divide the salad between serving plates or bowls. Place a salmon fillet on top of each salad portion and serve.